
A New Year, A New You

Now that it is January 12th, you've either stuck with your New Year's Resolutions or you haven't.  Which is it for you??

I started my resolution a little late, but I am a teacher and my "new year" didn't start until the 6th of January.  Since then (6 days), I've lost 7 pounds and nearly 2 inches off of my waist and I couldn't be happier.  I have more energy and I don't get those morning aches when I crawl out of bed.  (I'm in my 40's, so those aches are very common!)

I also decided that just watching what I eat isn't going to cut it anymore.  Menopause has crept it's way into my life and I can just feel my body changing and I am definitely going to battle the menopause creep!!!  I am taking some all natural supplements that really help; especially with those nasty hot flashes, but I know I need to exercise as well.

When I was younger, I used to love running.  Then the kids came and I just didn't find the time for me and I'm sure you've all either been there or you are there now!  In searching through Pinterest, I came across this wonderful workout that is designed to get your from couch potato to a runner in 8 weeks.  I just completed my first day today and I feel great and energized!!!

Stay tuned....... I'll post about my workouts and some of the new foods I am trying out (trying to go clean!!!)

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