For all of you working the squat and ab challenges with me, how's it going??
Funny story: I have a bunch of friends doing the squat challenge with me and they are all complaining about sore legs. I kept thinking they were crazy because I wasn't really that sore. So they made me show them a squat and, apparently, I've been doing them wrong all along. Come on, how hard is a squat?? I even watched a Youtube video to see the proper technique. But, this uncoordinated body, just couldn't seem to squat without having my knees go further than my feet. I am now using a wall as my guide so my positioning is better, lol.... I feel really stupid!!
And those sit ups.... I just can't do them. I must be really and truly out of shape. I decided to do more crunches and eliminate the sit ups.... what can a girl do?? Maybe they'll get easier as the month goes on. My favorite is the plank, even though it is difficult, I can feel it working my entire core and my lower back. I am just not too sure I will be able to hold one for 2 minutes... that is a long time.
The reason for my post this morning is to share a recipe with you that I am going to make (or attempt to make) this weekend. These look amazing and I can't wait to try them. They are made with my company's vanilla flavored protein powder, but I am sure you can use any kind. If you want to know more about our products, fill in the contact form!
Don't they just look amazing?.. I can't wait to try it!!
I'd like to hear from you... how are your challenges going? Do you have any protein based recipes to share??
Lose Weight, Get Healthy and Hang On!!!
I am going to start this post with the "Hang On" part of the title. For those of you that are tackling the squat challenge with me, you are probably feeling the burn!!! I know I am. And you know when I feel it the most? Going to the bathroom...... that getting on and off the toilet really hurts. Because of that, I had to share this picture with you, I totally cracked up when I saw it!!
How many of you are feeling it too??
Now, I just have to share this story with you. This is Melissa and not only did she battle being overweight, but she had a really bad case of Rosacea on her face. Read her story and take a look at her pictures. She is an inspiration!!!
"Not only have I lost
80 lbs over the past year, these supplements cleared up my rosacea when 9
months of dermatologist visits, 3 different long-term antibiotics, and 6 very
expensive creams could not heal my skin. The top two face pics are while seeing
the dermatologist. The bottom two are 5 days after starting the supplements and
then after 4 months using them. I am also ecstatic about my anxiety and
depression being gone. I feel 20 years younger - I have my life back.
This company has also
helped my family financially. I have a teaching degree but have not taught in
public schools for 15 years. A couple of years ago, I began a home-based
appliqué design business. It took a large investment to get that business up
and running, and I did not see even a small profit until the end of the second
year working 75-90 hours a week. I did not intend (or need) to add this
business as another job but could not keep such a wonderful thing from my
friends and family. And there was very little investment required. Now, in just
6 months, I'm making more than double what I made teaching, and I have already
tripled what it took me 2 years to see in profits in my other home-based
I'm so thankful for the leadership behind this company and their vision
to not only offer an amazing product that gives us greater health and freedom
from being sick and tired, but also gives us the opportunity to have financial
freedom as well"And here are her pictures:
Have a healthy, happy day!!
30 Day Ab Challenge and an Amazing Transformation
Well, did you do your squats yesterday?? I did and I am feeling it this morning which really surprises me because I didn't feel like I was doing them right yesterday even though I pathetically watched a youtube video on how to do squats correctly!
Are you ready for the next challenge?? Bookmark this page just in case you want to only do the squats this month and save the ab challenge for later. I started this yesterday too and my darling daughter is going to join me. My family has been so supportive since I decided to get healthy. They have suffered through the "detox" days where mommy didn't cook for them and they have encouraged me every step of the way. It's great to have such support.
Anyway...... I now present you with your next challenge:
I have to warn you, if you have never done a plank {like me}, they are not that easy. My first thought was 10 seconds, I can hold a plank for 10 seconds...... well, I did, but my whole body was shaking!!! It was a funny sight to see my friends. And to make it worse, my daughter made it look so easy. {I guess I do have a few years on her}.
And now on to the next part of this post. I owe everything that I have accomplished to this wonderful blogging friend of mine. Her name is Lindsay and she blogs at My Life as a 3rd Grade Teacher. Lindsay shared her story in April and I was so amazed at what she was able to do in 8 days that I knew I needed to do what she was doing. She helped me get my hands on these amazing all natural supplements and now I have done the same. But, I wanted to share her story with you... here it is:
Lindsay writes:
I have always been an active girl, which is good because I have always
loved food. Salts, sweets, sodas, chips, candy, chocolate. Doesn't matter. You
name it, I probably have overeaten it at some point in my life.
Luckily, I played several sports while growing up and had an
athletic body through high school. I thought I was chubby then, but looking
back now, I would kill to have that body back. I was "bigger" than my
peers who had not fully developed into their bodies like I had. But, my body
was toned and fit.
In college, I started putting on weight. Every summer I would return
home feeling horrible about myself and the fact that I had one pair of jeans
that fit. I would do Weight Watchers every summer and work out 5 days per week
and usually lose 20 pounds before returning to school and gaining it all back.
You would think I would've figured out how to avoid those extra school year
pounds, but nope.
Shortly after graduating, I took a teaching job out of state in
Texas. My move was stressful and those first few weeks as a teacher were
a whirlwind. As a result, I lost some weight due to stress and not eating
regular meals. By October of that year, I was at the smallest I had been since
high school. I started taking Zumba in January and probably lost a few more
Since that time in 2009/early 2010, my eating habits got out of
control. I stopped making any meals at home really, ate fast food, never passed
up a dessert, mindlessly ate candy all day long during school, and drank enough
Diet Coke to single handedly keep them in business. I packed back on all the weight
I had lost during the Fall when I was too busy and stressed to eat. I have
always carried my weight well, so even though I was gaining, I was able to wear
the same size clothes which helped keep me in la-la land and avoid admitting
that I was getting bigger.
Within the last year, I continued to gain as my eating continued to
be poor. I had even stopped working out and was generally just a couch potato.
In October, I was on Facebook and noticed my friend Rachelle post about how she
lost a bunch of weight in only 8 days. I thought to myself, "yeah,
right!" But then she posted pictures and she really had! 8 days later, she
posted more pictures at her 16 day mark. I could see the results as clear as
day! Over the next few months, Rachelle continued to lose weight and post about
it on Facebook. Meanwhile, I was busy stuffing my face with nachos, frozen
yogurt, candy, and sodas.
Finally, in December, I messaged Rachelle to see what she was doing.
She told me about the all-natural products she was using to recharge her
metabolism. The price seemed steep at the time and I vowed instead to get off
the couch and move my body more and eat less.
Of course, that never actually happened!
Finally by Spring Break in March I was just sick of it. I had gone
to the rodeo with my friend and the pictures of my body, and worse, my fat face
were horrifying. I went home that night and talked to Rachelle and placed an
order to get my very own kit. I was so nervous and excited!
When my kit came, I was so nervous that I didn't start for about a
month! I knew I had spent some money to get my products and I wanted to do my 8
days right. I was terrified to weigh in and measure my body because I knew the
results would make me upset. Instead, I chose to measure my success by the way
my clothes fit and how I looked in pictures.
Physically, the 8 days was not hard. Mentally, it was. Turning off
that love of food and over-indulging was hard-- but I did it! I really didn't
have cravings for food during my 8 days, I had tons of energy, and I could tell
my pants fit better by day 4. I don't know how much weight I had lost after 8
days because of course I never weighed myself. But I do know, that the pictures
speak for themselves.
I was so excited about the results that I took 2 days off and did
another 8 day round. By the end of that one, I was down two pants sizes and I
would estimate between 15-20 pounds.
I have been eating healthier (but by no means perfectly) since April
when I first started. I recently did a third 8 day round. I am now down a third
pants size and more inches. I am not done losing, nor am I at my goal size but
I am getting closer everyday.
I love these products. They have given me my confidence back plus a
ton of natural energy. I don't even drink Diet Coke anymore! I am so happy that
I signed up with Rachelle back in March. Knowing where I am here in June
already makes me so excited for my future.
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April.................................May...................................June |
Quite inspiring, right!!! If you are interested in how we did this, click the tab at the top of this page for more information!
And good luck with your challenges! Let's get healthy and fit together. We can do this!
30 Day Squat Challenge... are you in?
Happy Monday to everyone out there in blog world!! Today is a beautiful, but hot, day in Michigan. I am totally enjoying my summer and my lazy days of being able to work on 2 blogs, create products for Teachers pay Teachers, swim in my pool and just spend time with my family.
However, as I begin this 30-day squat challenge, I might get cranky and a little sore {or maybe a lot sore}, but it will all be worth it in the end when I have a new, re-defined end.... haha, I think I am funny!!
Anyway, here is the challenge, and I would love it if you would join me!!!! Print it out, post it on the fridge and put a big red X across each day as you finish. Here's to toned buttocks!!
Oh, and I also have to share that I was able to put on a pair of size 8 capri pants the other day. These are the pants that I tried to put on in April and I couldn't even get them past my thighs (Oh boy!!). I was so super excited, I think I had a smile on my face all night. My husband thought I was crazy, but he is a thin man that just doesn't understand this whole weight thing! Here's a picture, but please excuse the mess in my bedroom behind me. I was so excited, I just didn't care!!!
So, who's in for the challenge? If you are, leave me a comment and let's keep each other motivated!!!
Egg Muffin Cup Recipe
This is a great recipe to help you get in your protein (no carbs). These make a great snack that can be eaten any time throughout the day!
Egg Muffin Cups (no
- - Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
- - Mix regular eggs and egg whites (equal parts) together, (I did 8/8) and add 1/2 cup of unsweetened almond milk (I use skim).
- - Chop up your favorite veggies, low sodium ham, turkey bacon, lean jennie o sausage, etc. and low fat cheese, I also add some cottage cheese sometimes.
- - Spray muffin tins or silicone muffin cups with cooking spray and fill each cup 1/2 full of toppings, then pour the egg mixture around it.
- - Bake 25 - 30 minutes until egg cups are puffy.
- - Remove from oven and allow to cool for 10 minutes.
- - Enjoy! 2 cups are 145 calories. Great for putting in baggies and enjoying for protein on the go!
Inspiring Story of Health and Weight Loss
I love this!!!!
Here is a story I would like to share with you!!
"At age 33, I suffered a minor heart attack and had a stint inserted. At age 36, I suffered another heart attack and had another procedure in which another stint was put it. At this time, I was also diagnosed with diabetes, high blood pressure, very high cholesterol, etc., etc., etc. The list can go on forever! I was truly a walking time bomb. I tried all the diets each of you have tried: Weight Watchers, Atkins, Adipex, starvation, even the grapefruit/peanut butter heart surgery diet or whatever it was! Nothing worked.
Then, due to the persistence of a very loving wife, I visited with someone who shared with me a way to not just lost weight, but to be healthy. Skeptically, I began my transformation on May 6, 2013.... 8 days later I had lost 16 pounds. As of this morning (June 19, 2013), I have lost a total of 48.2 pounds. My blood sugar is maintaining normal levels without medication, my blood pressure is normal without medication, and I am very confident that when I return to the doctor later this month he will be making serious adjustments to my cholesterol medication. At 39 I feel better than I have felt since my mid-20s. I feel healthy!! I am in awe every day when I wake up and know that I am going to feel GREAT today! Life is good again! I am ready to LIVE! This transformation has been a blessing to me and my family and I cannot begin to describe the excitement I have for life and to continue my journey!"
Let me know how I can help you or someone you love!!!
Body Transformation
I went to a Transformation Party last night and I am super amazed at the success that people are having with their overall health, weight loss and financial stability. I met some amazing people and I hope to share their stories with you as the weeks go on.
I heard about people losing 50 pounds since December! I heard about people being addicted to caffeine who no longer have to have their coffee or energy drinks. People are getting healthy, they are feeling great and they are earning money while helping their friends and family do the same.
This is all done with a healthy, low-carb diet and all natural supplements that are amazing, and come with an unconditional money-back open bottle guarantee. That means that you can try the products for 30 days and if you are not satisfied, you can send back the empty bottles for a full refund!!
This could be you!!!
She changed her eating habits, used the products, lost 13 pounds in 8 days, gained a ton of energy and felt great because her joint pain was gone!! Fill out the form in the column at the right to learn how you can change your life for the better.
I heard about people losing 50 pounds since December! I heard about people being addicted to caffeine who no longer have to have their coffee or energy drinks. People are getting healthy, they are feeling great and they are earning money while helping their friends and family do the same.
This is all done with a healthy, low-carb diet and all natural supplements that are amazing, and come with an unconditional money-back open bottle guarantee. That means that you can try the products for 30 days and if you are not satisfied, you can send back the empty bottles for a full refund!!
This could be you!!!
She changed her eating habits, used the products, lost 13 pounds in 8 days, gained a ton of energy and felt great because her joint pain was gone!! Fill out the form in the column at the right to learn how you can change your life for the better.
Did you know that starting July 1st, you can no longer view your blogs in Google Reader??
That is going to cause some serious trouble in the blogging world. I made sure to switch and I chose Bloglovin. It is super easy to sign up and use. I hope you choose to continue following me and to make the switch easier, you can just click on the link below!!
Follow my blog with Bloglovin
Oh, and just a quick update.... I have completed day one of my detox and I am down 3 pounds already!! I can't wait to see where I am at in 7 more days.
I actually put on a bikini today to lay out by my pool. I know I still have more to lose, but it was great being able to fit into a bikini again!!!!
That is going to cause some serious trouble in the blogging world. I made sure to switch and I chose Bloglovin. It is super easy to sign up and use. I hope you choose to continue following me and to make the switch easier, you can just click on the link below!!
Follow my blog with Bloglovin
Oh, and just a quick update.... I have completed day one of my detox and I am down 3 pounds already!! I can't wait to see where I am at in 7 more days.
I actually put on a bikini today to lay out by my pool. I know I still have more to lose, but it was great being able to fit into a bikini again!!!!
Fitness Schedule
Today is my first day of summer vacation.... It is also the first day of an 8 day detox that will kick my body into fat-burning mode!!! I am super excited for both.
When I opened my email this morning, StumbleUpon sent me an email with this image:
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Now, I am not exactly sure what a Russian twist is, but you bet that I am going to be checking out this website for more information. I have a treadmill, an elliptical machine and a Bowflex in my basement that I hope to put to good use this summer! I am bound and determined to add exercise to my life when this 8 day detox is over.
I also bought 10 sessions of Zumba through Groupon a few weeks ago. Now, I have only done Zumba once and it kicked my ass, but I did enjoy myself. I am just not a very coordinated person and I felt like an idiot! Please tell me that you have felt the same at one time or another.
Tell me what you do to workout, and how do you stay motivated??
My Amazing Changes
Welcome to my new blog!! This blog is going to focus on weight loss, getting healthy and getting fit. Most of you know me from my teacher blog: My Journey to 5th Grade. I decided to create a new blog to highlight the changes in my life, and a teaching blog is not really the place for that!! This summer is going to be devoted to getting healthy.
I have spent most of my life not worrying about what I ate or whether or not I exercised and the damage that I have done to my body needs to be repaired!!! I have battled weight issues for years. I have been on the yo-yo body plan for too long. Weight Watchers worked, but then I gained it all back. Nutri-System worked, but ugggghhhhhhh, that food tasted awful, and I gained it all back!!
If you are like me, you have different size clothes in your closet, or packed away somewhere in storage. I have what I call my skinny clothes, my fat clothes and my regular clothes.... kind of like Goldilocks!!! Can you relate?? I knew that I needed to make a change when my fat clothes were getting too tight. I was wearing black yoga pants to work almost daily because nothing fit and I refused to buy bigger clothes!! I was miserable, I had no energy and I knew I needed to do something about it.
A blogging buddy of mine shared with me a fat-burning detox that she was doing and, after seeing her results, I knew I needed to try it. My life has changed dramatically. These all-natural products have given me all day energy, taken away my joint pains, and have helped me drop pounds and inches. Take a look at what only 8 days did:
This journey of mine started in April, 2013 and I continue to shrink and I am loving the new me!!
I am so excited to share my journey with you. This blog will focus on other success stories, healthy recipes and fitness tips. I hope you will follow me and maybe even join in so you can have your own Amazing Change. If you are interested in exactly how I was able to drop 12 inches in 8 days, fill in the contact form so I can send you more information. I would love to help you get healthy, too!!
I have spent most of my life not worrying about what I ate or whether or not I exercised and the damage that I have done to my body needs to be repaired!!! I have battled weight issues for years. I have been on the yo-yo body plan for too long. Weight Watchers worked, but then I gained it all back. Nutri-System worked, but ugggghhhhhhh, that food tasted awful, and I gained it all back!!
If you are like me, you have different size clothes in your closet, or packed away somewhere in storage. I have what I call my skinny clothes, my fat clothes and my regular clothes.... kind of like Goldilocks!!! Can you relate?? I knew that I needed to make a change when my fat clothes were getting too tight. I was wearing black yoga pants to work almost daily because nothing fit and I refused to buy bigger clothes!! I was miserable, I had no energy and I knew I needed to do something about it.
A blogging buddy of mine shared with me a fat-burning detox that she was doing and, after seeing her results, I knew I needed to try it. My life has changed dramatically. These all-natural products have given me all day energy, taken away my joint pains, and have helped me drop pounds and inches. Take a look at what only 8 days did:
This journey of mine started in April, 2013 and I continue to shrink and I am loving the new me!!
I am so excited to share my journey with you. This blog will focus on other success stories, healthy recipes and fitness tips. I hope you will follow me and maybe even join in so you can have your own Amazing Change. If you are interested in exactly how I was able to drop 12 inches in 8 days, fill in the contact form so I can send you more information. I would love to help you get healthy, too!!
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