
Lose Weight, Get Healthy and Hang On!!!

I am going to start this post with the "Hang On" part of the title.  For those of you that are tackling the squat challenge with me, you are probably feeling the burn!!!  I know I am.  And you know when I feel it the most?  Going to the bathroom...... that getting on and off the toilet really hurts.  Because of that, I had to share this picture with you, I totally cracked up when I saw it!!

How many of you are feeling it too??

Now, I just have to share this story with you.  This is Melissa and not only did she battle being overweight, but she had a really bad case of Rosacea on her face.  Read her story and take a look at her pictures.  She is an inspiration!!!

"Not only have I lost 80 lbs over the past year, these supplements cleared up my rosacea when 9 months of dermatologist visits, 3 different long-term antibiotics, and 6 very expensive creams could not heal my skin. The top two face pics are while seeing the dermatologist. The bottom two are 5 days after starting the supplements and then after 4 months using them. I am also ecstatic about my anxiety and depression being gone. I feel 20 years younger - I have my life back.
This company has also helped my family financially. I have a teaching degree but have not taught in public schools for 15 years. A couple of years ago, I began a home-based appliqué design business. It took a large investment to get that business up and running, and I did not see even a small profit until the end of the second year working 75-90 hours a week. I did not intend (or need) to add this business as another job but could not keep such a wonderful thing from my friends and family. And there was very little investment required. Now, in just 6 months, I'm making more than double what I made teaching, and I have already tripled what it took me 2 years to see in profits in my other home-based business.
I'm so thankful for the leadership behind this company and their vision to not only offer an amazing product that gives us greater health and freedom from being sick and tired, but also gives us the opportunity to have financial freedom as well"

And here are her pictures:

Have a healthy, happy day!!

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